When, Where, by Who, was your church established

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When, Where, by Who, was your church established

Post by Denise » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:46 am

Church Year Established Founder Where Established

Catholic 33 AD Jesus Christ Jerusalem

Orthodox 1054 AD Schismatic Catholic
Bishops Constantinople

Lutheran 1517 AD Martin Luther Germany

Anabaptist 1521 AD Nicholas Storch &
Thomas Munzer Germany

Anglican 1534 AD Henry VIII England

Mennonites 1536 AD Menno Simons Switzerland

Calvinist 1555 AD John Calvin Switzerland

Presbyterian 1560 AD John Knox Scotland

Congregational 1582 AD Robert Brown Holland

Baptist 1609 AD John Smyth Amsterdam

Dutch Reformed 1628 AD Michaelis Jones New York

Congregationalist 1648 AD Pilgrims and Puritans Massachusetts

Quakers 1649 AD George Fox England

Amish 1693 AD Jacob Amman France

Freemasons 1717 AD Masons from four lodges London

Methodist 1739 AD John & Charles
Wesley England

Unitarian 1774 AD Theophilus Lindey London

Methodist Episcopal 1784 AD 60 Preachers Baltimore, MD

Episcopalian 1789 AD Samuel Seabury American Colonies

United Brethren 1800 AD Philip Otterbein &
Martin Boehn Maryland

Disciples of Christ 1827 AD Thomas & Alexander
Campbell Kentucky

Mormon 1830 AD Joseph Smith New York

Methodist Protestant 1830 AD Methodist United States

Church of Christ 1836 AD Warren Stone &
Alexander Campbell Kentucky

Seventh Day Adventist 1844 AD Ellen White Washington, NH

Christadelphian (Brethren
of Christ 1844 AD John Thomas Richmond, VA

Salvation Army 1865 AD William Booth London

Holiness 1867 AD Methodist United States

Jehovah's Witnesses 1874 AD Charles Taze Russell Pennsylvania

Christian Science 1879AD Mary Baker Eddy Boston

Church of God in Christ 1895 AD Various churches of God Arkansas

Church of Nazarene c. 1850-1900 AD Various religious bodies Pilot Point, TX

Pentecostal 1901AD Charles F. Parkham Topeka, KS

Aglipayan 1902 AD Gregorio Aglipay Philippines

Assemblies of God 1914 AD Pentecostalism Hot Springs, AZ

Iglesia ni Christo 1914 AD Felix Manalo Philippines

Four-square Gospel 1917 AD Aimee Semple
McPherson Los Angeles, CA

United Church of Christ 1961 AD Reformed and
Congregationalist Philadelphia, PA

Calvary Chapel 1965 AD Chuck Smith Costa Mesa, CA

United Methodist 1968 AD Methodist and United Brethren Dallas, TX

Born-again 1970s AD Various religious bodies United States

Harvest Christian 1972 AD Greg Laurie Riverside, CA

Saddleback 1982 AD Rick Warren California

Non-denominational 1990s AD various United States
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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