articles and extracts from books

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articles and extracts from books

Post by Denise » Mon May 07, 2007 10:42 am

Theotokos Books Newsletter - Easter 2007 - No.18

Dear Friend,

This is the Easter 2007 issue of the Theotokos Books newsletter.

This edition of the newsletter has news about some excellent articles and extracts from books which are well worth reading, along with details of the Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour, and various retreats and pilgrimages.

Easter and Pentecost Blessings!

Donal Foley

p.s. You are receiving this Theotokos Books Newsletter because either I have been in touch with you at some time, or you have contacted me at the Theotokos Books site - - or a friend may have forwarded it to you.



Easter 2007, Issue 18

Theotokos Books news
Blessed Columba Marmion on Christ’s New Commandment
Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour
New Publication - The Fatima Guide by Baron Lumiar
Energy and the Future
Understanding Medjugorje still available and as relevant as ever!
Theotokos Books What’s New
The World Apostolate of Fatima National Pilgrimage, 9-16 July 2007
English Friends of the Foyers de Charité retreat – August 2007
On-line Bookstore at Theotokos Books
Religious Wooden Art
Christian Living - also still available!
Useful Web sites
Services worth using/supporting
Liturgical Humour! The More Things Change ….


Theotokos Books News

The numbers of visitors to Theotokos Books site continues to rise - there have now been over 108,000 visitors to the site. This newsletter is being sent to about 800 people on the mailing list. Please continue to feel free to send me any questions, comments etc., you may have to:


Blessed Columba Marmion on Christ’s New Commandment

Below is a link to an edited version of a chapter from Christ, the Life of the Soul, by Blessed Columba Marmion - I have highlighted the parts that particularly struck me, and it does seem that there is a good deal here that could be thoughtfully meditated upon. I haven't included the references which are mostly from the New Testament - if you are interested in reading the whole book it should be available second hand on the internet, and I believe it has been republished recently in a new translation.

From Chapter 11 – “Love One Another”

"Faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God - a living practical faith which shows itself, under the influence of love, by works of life, and is nourished by the Eucharist and by prayer - leads us by degrees to intimate union with Christ to the point of transforming us into Himself."

"But if we wish this transformation of our life into that of Jesus Christ to be complete and true, and to meet with no obstacle to its perfection, the love we have towards our Saviour must radiate around us and shine forth upon all mankind. This is what St. John points out to us when he sums up all Christian life in these words: “And this is (God’s) commandment, that we should believe in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ - and that we love one another.” ...

To read the whole chapter go to:


Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour

Connie Schneider is a Board of Trustees member for the World Apostolate of Fatima in
the United States, and also the new National Chairwoman for Children’s Programs.

She says that two new programs for children have been adopted:

* A Worldwide School Children’s Holy Hour to be celebrated each October 7th Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and or around the feast day as it lands on different days etc.
* The promotion of Eucharistic Adoration for Children.

She says that her local diocesan division has been working since the “Year of the Rosary” to promote this School Children’s World wide Holy Hour, and she is working to bring these programs to not only a National but also to a worldwide level.

Pope John Paul II gave his blessing on this World Day of prayer of Children in 2004, and Benedict XVI has likewise given his blessing to this year’s event, which will be publicised on EWTN.

If you would like to promote this event in any way please feel free to contact your local Catholic school etc. This applies particularly to schools in Britain, but obviously, this is meant to be a worldwide event.

Connie Schneider can be contacted at:


THE FATIMA GUIDE: The Essential Companion for English-Speaking Pilgrims

is to be published shortly. It contains everything a visitor to the 90 year old Portuguese Shrine could want to know about the history, inhabitants, layout, devotions, services and facilities.

Author: Baron Lumiar, Publisher: Fatima-Ophel, Fátima, Portugal

Details soon

Paul MacLeod says:

“The Guide is really a splendid piece of work, something for people to take home and treasure because it will bring to life again all they saw (and much they didn't see) in Fatima. It is a real treasury of pictures. And most helpful to the pilgrim.”


Energy and the Future

I recently came across a very interesting article on the TCRnews site, concerned with future energy predictions, and the implications these will have for the world.

The article is entitled “Our world is finite: Is this a problem?” and the author is Gail E. Tverberg
The gist of the article is that production of commodities such as oil has actually peaked and that we are now set to enter a period of decline. The usual response is that technology will enable us to overcome this, but it seems there are limits to what technology can actually achieve. Various scenarios are discussed, but the inescapable conclusion seems to be that the days of our high-tech civilization are numbered, and that future generations will be forced to live in a much simpler way.

Historically, there is a precedent for this in the way the “high-tech” Roman empire collapsed in the fourth and fifth centuries. What followed was a much simpler society, which gradually evolved into medieval Christendom. We are living in a time which presents both problems and opportunities for the Church. Obviously, it is impossible to predict exactly what is going to happen over the next 50 to 100 years, but what is certain is that from a moral perspective our “culture of death” is bound to collapse eventually. Other factors such as the rise of Islam and the demographic decline of the West are clearly important factors too, but we shouldn’t overlook the obvious.

At Fatima, Our Lady said that in the end her Immaculate Heart will triumph, and a period of peace will be given to the world. These words indicate a great worldwide revival of Catholicism – the civilization of love spoken of by Pope John Paul II – but as in the case of Christendom, it may be necessary for a much simpler world society to emerge for this to happen.

Whatever your thoughts on this, the article is worth reading and can be seen at: ... a-problem/

Understanding Medjugorje is still available and as relevant as ever!

Understanding Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion? costs only £12.95 / $19.95 / 19.95 euros

The credit card price, including shipping is only $28.95

ISBN: 0955074606 – 310pp,

The book is Demy Octavo size (8.5 in. x 5.5 in.), has 23 chapters and an index.

If you would like to order the book, and pay by credit card via’s secure servers, at a cost of US$28.95 including shipping and handling, then please click on: ... sid=134730

Once at this page, scroll to the bottom and select “Medjugorje Book.”

If you have a PayPal account, you can order the book a cost of US$28.95, including shipping and handling, by clicking at:

Then scroll down to near the end of the page. Donations can also be made via this page.

Extracts from the book in PDF format, that is the table of contents, introduction, a sample chapter, and the conclusion, can be seen at:

Reviews and comments can be seen at:

The book can also be ordered from online booksellers or from your local “bricks and mortar” bookstore – just quote the title and ISBN.


Theotokos Books What’s New

You can visit for up-to-date info.

Theotokos Books book reviews can be seen at:

Online books, including Sr Lucia’s memoirs, are available via:


The World Apostolate of Fatima National Pilgrimage, 9-16 July 2007

At the Mass in St. Peter's on 13th May 2006, Pope Benedict XVI expressed the hope that the message of Fatima will be "increasingly accepted, understood and lived in every community".

This pilgrimage will be led by: Rt. Rev Mgr T Fallon, parish priest of St Francis, Birmingham, and the Spiritual Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima in England.

The dates are: Monday 9th to Monday 16th July 2007 - Cost, per person, sharing, £485 (sterling)

* Fully inclusive Scheduled Flights
* Half Board accommodation at Domus Pacis
* Coach tours in Fatima
* Travel Insurance
* Airport and local taxes

Fatima is one of the most important Marian pilgrimage centres in the world, and its message has assumed even more prominence since the beatification of Francisco and Jacinta in May 2000.
The week consists of a full programme of events centered in Fatima.

Led by two popular and experienced priests this promises to be a truly special occasion. Join us in the celebrations for the special 90th Anniversary Year of Our Lady’s apparitions!

Contact me at: for full details and Booking Forms. You can see more details and a previous year’s itinerary at:

Pilgrims in Clifton diocese or surroundings can contact Mike Daley, the Pilgrimage leader, directly, to obtain booking forms or further information at: 01793 829381

Those in the US, who would like to go to Fatima, might like to try:


English Friends of the Foyers de Charité

The English Friends website is at:

There will be another retreat for English-speakers at Tressaint from Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th August 2007. The theme of the retreat is "In him all things hold together" (Colossians 1:17).

This retreat is a special opportunity to share in the life of the Foyer de Charité of Tressaint, which is easily reached from Britain, Ireland or Jersey. It is open to all those aged 17 or above. It will be given by Fr David Hartley, a friend of the Foyer. It is called a "fundamental retreat" because it surveys all the fundamental points of our Catholic faith.

The community will all look after the retreatants and pray for them. Their work and lifestyle witness in action to what the retreat is preaching in words.

The retreat will begin on Sunday 12th August with dinner at 7:30 pm and end on Saturday 18th at 2 pm. Like all Foyer de Charité retreats it will be in total silence with three talks each day, and worship with the community. Retreatants are required to stay for the whole retreat.

There is no set price for retreats in the Foyer as financial circumstances should not deter anyone from attending. However, as the community depends solely on donations, the cost price amounts to 38 € per day. That would be appreciated if you could afford it to cover your stay.

Further details from Fr David Hartley at:
Fatima Pilgrimage in September

Fr David is also arranging a pilgrimage to Fatima from Sept 10th-14th, with Tours for Churches, flying from Heathrow. For more details please contact him at the above email address.


On-line Bookstore at Theotokos Books

Please check out the On-line Bookstore which can be found at:


Religious Wooden Art

For religious themes, wooden hand made key chains, pictures, icons, crosses, medals, stations of cross and other pictures of churches, door plates etc., please visit:

You can contact Xavier and Noble at:

They live in Pakistan, and this is a good way to support Christians overseas. They do seem to produce some very good work. They can give you their bank account details on confirmation of orders for remittance from Bank to Bank.

On confirmation they give an estimated time of delivery and promise to ship goods quite quickly.
They ship goods by courier - for the US it takes 4 working days and for Europe 3 working days for home delivery.


Christian Living: The Spirituality of the Foyers of Charity – also still availabe!

If you aren’t sure what happens on a Foyer retreat, this book will give you a very good idea of the spirituality of the Foyers.

“The Foyers give an authentic doctrinal and spiritual teaching in a climate of silence, charity, and devotion to Mary, which opens souls to conversion, deepens their life with God and leads them to the apostolate.” - Pope Paul VI

Christian Living is available through the Theotokos site, internet booksellers such as, and by ordering direct from booksellers.

More information, including extracts, how to order, etc., is available at: ... rbook.html

Christian Living is paperback-softcover, Demy Octavo size (8.5 in. x 5.5 in.), has 18 chapters, and 160 pages.

Price: £7.95 / $11.95 / €11.95 ISBN 0955074614


Useful Web sites

Traditional Catholic Reflections & Reports:

Youth 2000 is a world-wide youth group dedicated to evangelization. Details of forthcoming activities are available online at:


Services worth using/supporting

Website of Aid to the Church in Need - a Catholic organisation helping the persecuted Church around the world. or


Liturgical Humour - The More Things Change ….

Two Roman matrons meet outside the Lateran Basilica on the Sunday after the Edict of Milan, A.D. 313 …

"Yoo hoo, Livia, over here!"

"My dear Amelia, I haven't seen you since the Decian persecution! How are you?"

"WELL, I don't know about this new service. I was much happier back in that lovely little house church that Gaius Petronius built. He really did have an eye for mosaics."

"And now we HAVE to go to a service in a basilica. It's like having church in the Senate house. All those people. Hundreds of them! I haven't been in a basilica since Marcus had that nasty fraud trial."

"And did you see what the bishop was wearing? An ordinary chasuble isn't good enough for him. Now it has to have all that Macedonian needlework decoration."

"They say it's so he can be seen better."

"And did you see what the acolytes were carrying?!!!"

"You could have bowled me over with a feather! Incense!! In MY day, that was just apostasy. My grandfather was EATEN by a Libyan lion because he wouldn't sacrifice incense to the emperor. And now it's all over the place. I mean, really.... Must we adapt everything from those wretched pagans?"

"And what WAS the deacon singing today?"

"My daughter says they're writing new Alleluias to make the music more exciting."

"Well, MY mother's family was Jewish and we NEVER sang anything but the Temple psalm tunes. You never hear the old chants any more."

"Oh, my dear, it's just going to get worse and worse."

"What have you heard?"

"WELL! Don't quote me, but I heard that the service is going to change from Greek to Latin!"

"That's absurd! Greek is the language of civilization. Do you mean we have to give up Plato and Sophocles for those jumped-up moderns, just so everyone can understand the service?"

"My great-great-great grandmother knew St. Paul, you know. She would roll over in her grave if she heard we were going to translate his letters. Although she did say that he spoke with such a funny Eastern accent."

"Oh my dear, I suppose we're just too old to give in to popular culture."

"SOMEONE has to maintain standards!"

"Precisely. Now shall we have a little lunch and go to the afternoon games? I hear the new gladiator doesn't shave his chest."

(If anyone has any more items such as these they would like to share please forward them to me at: )
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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