My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma

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My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma

Post by Denise » Wed Jul 04, 2007 9:11 am

Roger LeBlanc received Pontifical Certification in Catechesis from the Holy See. He has taught Diocesan courses in adult education and regularly participates in apologetical events. First published by Simon & Schuster, LeBlanc has now released "My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma" and "Relativism: The Denial of Absolute Truths".

Fighting Off The New Age
by Roger LeBlanc

Editor's Note : In an age of theological confusion and the increasing popularity of relativism and the New Age movement, Roger LeBlanc has raised his voice in defense of the certitude of the Catholic Church. He is the author of two books, "Relativism: The Denial of Absolute Truths" and "My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma". Below he discusses both books, his motivation for writing them, and where copies can be obtained.


The newly elected Pontiff, Benedict XVI, made "Relativism" the lightning rod issue of our time. At the pre-conclave Mass, only hours before he was elected Supreme Pontiff, Pope Benedict singled out Relativism and condemned it during his homily in which he said: “We are moving towards a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one’s own ego and one’s own desires.”

The Holy Father’s warning is an urgent call for the faithful to educate themselves about such an important matter. Relativism has created an impasse among many 'Catholics', as well as Christians who struggle to find objectivity in the myriad of denominations. Every Catholic, every Christian, needs to understand the divisive nature of relativism and how it comes into our lives under the radar. Relativism: The Denial Of Absolute Truths looks at the origin and consequences of relativism in a manner that is easily understood.

When anyone denies the existence of absolute truths they deny the existence of Doctrine and Dogma. The great evil in our times is the claim that God’s highest revelation now instructs us to abandon all claims of absolute truths in matters of doctrine and dogma. The basis for this “instruction” is the claim that beliefs rooted in doctrine and dogma have proven to be the cause of hatred and division among men, and that we should move forward together only by what we have in common. When anyone follows this “new” instruction they are forced to find a substitute for doctrine and dogma.

Any substitute that is to appear credible must be something that we all share in common, and it must appear capable of establishing peace among men. The only thing that can fit this bill is the Natural Law, but there are consequences when it is made a substitute for doctrine and dogma. In order to understand what is happening in our world today we must first understand what is happening to our understanding of the Natural Law. Before we can do this, we must understand what the Natural Law is not .

Relativism: The Denial Of Absolute Truths systematically explains what has taken place, and exposes the great danger to the faithful when the Natural Law is used to redefine religion. It is not enough that we consider ourselves ‘good people’ without defining what a good person is in light of our obligation to Divine Revelation.


The Holy Father is deeply concerned about the loss of faith in our day. In his recent trip to South America he called on Catholics to remain with the Church. Thousands are leaving by the day to other Christian denominations.

Furthermore, the Western world has witnessed an explosion of non-Christian Eastern Religions throughout every form of Media. From Buddhism to Hinduism, from Martial Arts to Yoga, from Transcendental Meditation to the Occult and “Christian Zen”, there is a relentless push to undermine Christianity.

Karma has endured over the centuries because the impenitent and the ignorant have been around since the fall of Man, and they demand a system of self-redemption by which they attempt to absolve themselves of sin. Any belief that leads one to believe we are all divine in our own nature is not only a violation of the First Commandment that says “Thou shall have no strange gods before Me”, it goes further; it says there is no god other than self.

Make no mistake about it! There is NO compatibility between Christianity and non-Christian Eastern Religions which claim we are all equal to Jesus Christ and divine in our own nature.

It is essential to expose the internal mechanisms at work within the concepts of Karma, Rebirth, Reincarnation, Nirvana, etc., for what they are! My Dogma Ran over Your Karma does this handily, without pulling punches, and yet it is seasoned with humor when needed. It is a work that speaks about the true dignity of each person, and exposes the presence the ‘father of lies’ found within the concept of Karma where he tempts man to grasp at divinity once again.

My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma

"Relativism: The Denial of Absolute Truths".
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by KarlB » Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:59 pm

My Dogma Ran Over Your Karma
That's pithy.. and absolutely true! :)
pax lux,

Remember that thou hast made me of clay; and wilt thou turn me to dust again? Job10:9

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