If your membership has been deleted, this is why!

Please read the information in this forum before registering.

Moderator: Denise

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If your membership has been deleted, this is why!

Post by Denise » Wed May 17, 2006 2:02 pm

You must register using your first name and the first initial of your last name, no spaces in between. Please look over the rules.


If your name is John Smith or Jane Doe, your user name should look like this JohnS JaneD If your user name has already been taken you are welcome to login in as

JohnSmith or JaneDoe

You must also use a valid email address.

There is nothing more that I dislike than deleting a well-meaning person who just didn't read the rules, but if I allow one to use a "handle" then everyone will want to and we have found out the hard way that it just isn't a good idea.

If your membership has been deleted, please register again as the example above describes.

Also, a reminder of what I have posted in the thread above is this one on apparitions etc.

if anyone posts something that is contrary to what the Church has set down as true and right, the message will be deleted. If a person continues to post propaganda or ideas that are contrary to the Magisterium of the Church and Her Vicar, their membership will be deleted.

If you are a member of the clergy or belong to a religious order, please add your city, state and the Church or Monastery where you reside. You can do this under "location" in your profile.

I have had the experience where someone has tried to pass themselves off as a priest or religious and they were in fact not even members of the Church. Basically they were what we call a "troll", and were just out to cause dissension among the members.

So...for the sake of the priest or religious and the members of this forum as well as the webmaster, please be clear as to your title and location or your registration can be deleted.

Last edited by Denise on Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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