Card. Pell 1st Anniversary Solemn Pontifical Mass

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Card. Pell 1st Anniversary Solemn Pontifical Mass

Post by MarieT » Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:49 am

Thousands gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney to pray and pay tribute to a man they loved for his vision and “big heart” a year after his death in Rome.
The archbishop concelebrated the Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass on the first anniversary of the cardinal’s entrance to eternal life on 10 January with Tasmania Archbishop Julian Porteous, Sydney Bishop Terence Brady, vicar general Fr Gerald Gleeson and dozens of priests from Sydney and beyond.

Present were relatives, friends and colleagues of the cardinal, with others following the early evening Mass via livestream.

A diverse congregation filled the cathedral, including many young families, university students, professionals, religious brothers and sisters, seminarians and clergy.
In a touching moment at the end of the Mass, the entire congregation followed the closing procession to the crypt below to pause for a moment or remain for short prayers led by Archbishop Fisher at the cardinal’s tomb.
Cardinal Pell was a companion of the Order of Australia, prefect emeritus of the Vatican’s Secretariat to the Economy and former Archbishop of Sydney.
“He said the cardinal understood what was needed regarding Vatican financial reforms,” the archbishop said.

Archbishop Fisher also praised Cardinal Pell’s “unwavering commitment to the truth and consistent willing of the good” and promotion of morality and religion in a world immersed in secularism and relativism.
Unafraid to proclaim the truth, the cardinal was a passionate advocate of Catholic education and health institutions, and a defender of marriage and of life, including the most vulnerable, indigenous, ex-prisoners and the poor, he said.

The archbishop described a man who was also deeply loyal to his family and friends, Pope Benedict XVI among them who had praised the cardinal’s “big heart.”
Outlining his many achievements, he said World Youth Day 2008, “the biggest festival in the history of our nation [was] his most daring project.”

“But in keeping the rudder of the church in Australia fixed upon the apostolic tradition, he did more than anyone to save it from becoming the sort of confused and dying institution that it has become in some places,” Archbishop Fisher said.
Following his unanimous exoneration by Australia’s High Court for crimes he did not commit, he continued to be demonised by some, with some later seeking to disrupt his funeral, the archbishop recalled.

Rather than becoming embittered by his troubles, the cardinal emerged “if anything, gentler and more forgiving.”
“We also admired his position on standing up for the teachings of our faith,” she said.

“He never shied away from speaking the truth and defending it.

“We will forever be grateful for the witness he left for the following generations to come.”
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"He who followeth Me, walketh not in darkness." sayeth the Lord

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