"Lest we become the religion of spinning suns..."

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"Lest we become the religion of spinning suns..."

Post by KevinSymonds » Wed May 02, 2007 9:16 am

Though I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be quoting the "celebrity heretic" Fr. Richard McBrien, he did have an interesting line 17 years ago. He mentioned how we need to not show exorcisms on TV because of the sensationalism created and the image of Catholicism as the 'religion of the spinning suns and weeping statues.'

He had a point but that is not why I'm writing this.

I wanted to share a video I found on youtube on the alleged 'miracles of the sun' in Medjugorje. One video in particular is very revealing. Pay close attention to 0:58 and 2:00 on the timer.


These poor people have been deluded. They aim their cameras at the sun and their mind starts to play tricks on them. A girl complains about her eyes (presumably, they are hurting her) and a guy mentions how he can now look at the sun (this after it went behind some clouds). What was that article about macular degeneration & retina damage, Denise?

At Fatima, the first known instance of this sort of sun miracle (barring the Biblical account of Joshua) the people were able to look at the sun without it hurting their eyes.

Please make sure to give it a poor rating to emphasize obedience to Bishop Peric. Let us support our Bishops.

p.s. 'celebrity heretic' is a term coined by an author in a recent article I read on McBrien concerning his remark on limbo.

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Post by Denise » Wed May 02, 2007 9:29 am

Scroll down the threads to

Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by JeniR » Wed May 02, 2007 2:46 pm

Well, I have never watched these videos before. Very interesting. It seems that something may be happening with the sun...but I am not sure why it would be significant for the sun to appear as a strobe light in the sky? Have the "seers" said why this happens?
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Post by JeniR » Wed May 02, 2007 2:50 pm

Here is a comment made by someone on YouTube in regards to one of the videos.
Ive been there 3 times. Before the first time I went i was sceptical but when seen with the naked eye it confirms the reality of the Trinity.
It confirms the reality of the Trinity? How is that even possible?
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Post by JeniR » Wed May 02, 2007 2:55 pm

Ok. I am posting to much now but I have a question. I am watching a video on a "eucharistic miracle" where the large host elevates off of the altar during consecration. What would be the point of this?
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Post by Denise » Wed May 02, 2007 2:56 pm

Jeni, they are trying to claim that what is happening there is the same thing that happened at Fatima, only in Fatima it was a true miracle. There is a very good book called What Happened At Fatima, and it describes the miracle. It can be found on the internet too.

Read this from Rick. The devil can out do man in illusion. If illusionists can make the statue of liberty disappear, or appear to, the devil can out do the trick by far.

"Demons CANNOT really perform a miracle, but there are things they can do that will seem like miracles to the layman. A good rule of thumb is that demons can do anything that man or nature can do, except that they can do it invisibly and instantly. If something can be done by man or nature, Satan can do the same without you seeing him and at a thousand times the speed. We will emphasize again for the sake of our friends, demons cannot perform a true miracle in any sense of the word. Laymen, however, will see the following things as miracles:


A perfect example of the appearance of a miracle is levitation. Satan can lift people or things off the ground into the air or cause them to travel at great speeds. He does this by simply lifting them up with his invisible angels. This phenomena is a good illustration of where we get information about the power of demons. This power is recorded in Scripture (Matt. 4:5) and is documented in thousands of Exorcisms.


Demons can produce true ecstasies so that the seer is completely oblivious of sound, light, or feelings. They can make the seer stiff as a board and/or so heavy that no one can lift or move the seer. This is done by Satan in the same way a hypnotist can do it, except faster and invisible.


Satan can make a true apparition. He has appeared as the Virgin Mary, as Christ, as saints, angels and relatives. Satan appeared to Padre Pio as Christ, to Sister Josefa Menendez as Christ and Mary, and to countless other saints and false mystics.


Satan can bring about locutions, visions, and voices. Not only do we know this from the oracles of old and from false apparitions, but we have thousands of cases documented in Exorcisms.


He can move statues, furniture, and even mountains. He can cause fire to come down from heaven.


He can cause a glow or luminous rays to be seen around a seer or objects. He can change a picture or negative to have these same halos or auras of light to appear on them.


He can produce a stigmata [as you will see in the chapter on the history of false apparitions], however, this will be by natural but invisible means. They cannot be instantly cured.


Satan can simulate odors of roses or incense. Any chemist can do the same, and no one would see them do it. This is especially easy since all trace will be gone.


He can help his seer to have a prolonged fast; however, tests will prove that the body is not properly sustained as in the case of Theresa Neumann, who showed no physical signs of fasting, and in fact, remained plump.


Demons can show great signs in the sky, like fire to come down from heaven. It is said that the Antichrist will be able to do this very thing. (Apoc. 13:13) St. Augustine says,

"When fire fell from heaven and wiped out, in one sweep, all the large household and the numerous flocks of holy Job, and a whirlwind rushed down and overthrew his house and slew his children, those were no illusions; and yet they were the work of Satan, to whom God had given this power."

(CITY OF GOD, Book XX, Chapter 19)

St. Hippolytus, in speaking of the future Antichrist, said that he will be able to walk on the waves of the sea, turn day into night, and direct the course of the sun at will. Why then should Satan not be able to make the sun spin and change colors? But these are usually illusions and not real like Fatima. The difference is that not all will see it, and the effects will not be the same. At Fatima, everyone saw it, even those who did not believe [even communists in surrounding towns miles away]. The after effects were hundreds of cures, the ground dry after weeks of rain, and real graces of conversion.


Satan and demons can change brass to gold. This is called Alchemy and has been practiced throughout the ages. The reason Satan can do it is that the pure science of Chemistry can do it.

It is no longer being done by chemists because the cost is higher than the cost of real gold.

The method of the Alchemists was a medieval magic using what they called the "Philosopher's Stone". This magical art was practiced in Egypt and China. Hermes Trismegistus is regarded as its founder. Robert of Chester describes the successful making of gold in the presence of the son of the Caliph Yazid I, 682 A.D.

Although we, at the center, have seen over 400 miracles of God and Satan, including levitation of man and object, not one of us have ever seen metal turn to real gold. We have seen rosaries that the owners claimed turned to gold, but investigation showed them all to be brass.


In the Roman ritual, common miracles of Satan are speaking in an unknown language, understanding someone who speaks it, revealing hidden secrets of people, things, or places. Since God promises not only to forgive sins in confession but to forget them, if someone were to reveal a sin from the past that was forgiven in confession, it is absolutely demonic.


Satan can fake tears on a statue, but it will not be real tears, which even a chemist cannot reproduce. The tears that Satan can cause will be proved to be nothing but water. He cannot even produce water out of nothing; however, he can cause water to condense out of the air and onto a statue, since this can also be done by man. He cannot produce blood on a statue or picture, unless it is done when no one is looking, in which case he could bring it to the room from somewhere else. He could use a leech as he did on a statue in Portugal. Investigation by the Church showed leech saliva in the blood. "

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Post by JeniR » Thu May 03, 2007 2:42 pm

Very interesting. Thank you for posting this Denise!!

Yesterday Frank and I watched alot of the video series Miracle of Damascus put out by Unity Publishing. I had never heard of this woman Myra before. I think that it how her name is spelled. It was really interesting.

I am really bothered by the many Marian apparitions that seem to be out there. I am really bothered by how many Catholics accept them to be the Mother of God. Many of these apparitions I had never heard of and many of them have a horrible message to proclaim. One even proclaimed that it was not enough the Jesus had come into the world that she had been sent to save us. This is nowhere in Sacred Scripture or Tradtion. How can Catholics cling so quickly to messages such as these?
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Post by jr » Thu May 03, 2007 5:50 pm

Are those people shooting that Medjugorje video crazy!
Spiritual blindness is not the only thing they will end up suffering from.

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Post by Denise » Thu May 03, 2007 10:52 pm

I had never heard of this woman Myra before.
It is Myrna and the reason you have never heard about her is because she is the "real deal". The false apparitions are so loud and rich that they out do the authentic ones, pushing them into the background. But....it is only a matter of time, only a matter of time. :wink:
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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Post by Johnna » Fri May 04, 2007 12:37 am

It amazes me how many people will hear an apparition and think the words are true since they came from Mary's lips herself. Doesn't anyone stop and think that if what she is saying is not Church teaching then maybe that is NOT the Blessed Mother? These people must not stop and think about it at all actually. I think that Mary is much happier about people faithfully trying to live a life with full participation in the sacraments than she is about people flocking to any apparition, even a real one.
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Post by MarieT » Fri May 04, 2007 1:11 pm

i agree jb

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