Discouragement in the Face of Sanctity

Inspirational Quotes From Our Lord to Saint Faustina and Other Divine Mercy Devotions.

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Discouragement in the Face of Sanctity

Post by Denise » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:58 am

Do you want to be a saint? Hopefully the answer is "Yes." But what about this question: Do you think you can become a saint? This may be more difficult to answer. It's easy to dream of sanctity and to desire it, but when faced with the task of achieving it, discouragement can easily set in. Discouragement comes when you see the high call of holiness and conclude that you will never be able to achieve it. You may become fixated upon a certain fault and give up, thinking that you are destined to remain lukewarm and that's it. You may feel as though you are a nice person and that will have to suffice. But God has great plans for you! He not only calls you to be a saint, He knows you can become one. The key is to allow His Mercy to become so clear to you that you begin to realize sanctity is possible. Holiness, or sanctity, is not achieved because we are good; rather, it's achieved because God is merciful and we have chosen to fix our gaze upon that Mercy. Never doubt the truth that you are both called to be a saint and that you can become a saint (See Diary #1333).


Profound silence engulfs my soul. Not a single cloud hides the sun from me. I lay myself
entirely open to its rays, that His love may effect a complete transformation in me. I want
to come out of this retreat a saint, and this, in spite of everything; that is to say, in spite of
my wretchedness, I want to become a saint, and I trust that God's mercy can make a saint
even out of such misery as I am, because I am utterly in good will. In spite of all my
defeats, I want to go on fighting like a holy soul and to comport myself like a holy soul. I
will not be discouraged by anything, just as nothing can discourage a soul who is holy. I
want to live and die like a holy soul, with my eyes fixed on You, Jesus, stretched out on the
Cross, as the model for my actions. I used to look around me for examples and found
nothing which sufficed, and I noticed that my state of holiness seemed to falter. But from
now on, my eyes are fixed on You, 0 Christ, who are for me the best of guides. I am
confident that You will bless my efforts.
Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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