E-Book/ Misinterpreting Catholicism

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E-Book/ Misinterpreting Catholicism

Post by Denise » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:08 am

Misinterpreting Catholicism: How Media Coverage Distorts Public Understanding of the Church
by Philip F. Lawler

Are major media outlets biased against the Catholic Church? That question has been debated for years. By now anyone who has not recognized the problem is not likely to be convinced.

But even without any conscious hostility toward the Church, the media can—and do—frequently guide their readers astray. Few secular reporters today are familiar with even the most fundamental teachings of the Catholic Church. When reporters do not understand their own subjects properly, they are prone to error, vulnerable to manipulation, and likely to pass along their own confusion.

As the founder and editor of Catholic World News, Philip F. Lawler has been providing daily coverage of Church-related stories since 1996. With 30 years of background in Catholic journalism, he has a keen understanding of how media coverage shapes the public perception of the Church. In this book he dissects secular news coverage, showing how journalists mislead their audiences as a result of bias, ignorance, or both.

Readable on Most Devices: Available in PDF, Kindle, ePub Formats

This product is available in eBook form, both as a PDF file which is viewable on your PC and most other devices, as a MOBI file for the Kindle, and in the ePub file format (supported by many devices, such as iPod, iPad, NOOK, etc.). All formats are included in the ZIP file you will receive when you have made your purchase. When you get the eBook, just copy the appropriate file for your reader to the device.

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Devotion to the souls in Purgatory contains in itself all the works of mercy, which supernaturalized by a spirit of faith, should merit us Heaven. de Sales

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